My Favorite Hack for Making Time to Read

I read an article recently describing how Warren Buffett spends about 80% of his day reading.  This includes newspapers, books, magazines, financial statements, and more (both in print and on the computer).  Think about that.  The (estimated) 3rd richest person in the world… pretty much reads all day.

Let’s face it, we all know reading is a way to feed our brain.  Successful people do it, and so should we.  There is no way to replace reading.  We can’t watch TV, a movie, or listen to a podcast that exercises our brain as effectively as reading.

Although the Oracle of Omaha probably reads non-fiction, I’d argue that there is still benefit to reading fiction.  Reading fiction allows the imagination juices to flow, allowing your brain to create new environments and visualize people, places, and situations on your own.  You don’t get any of these watching a TV show.  Plus, practice makes perfect right? The more we read, the faster/better readers we become, and the more information we can pack into our minds in any given amount of time.

So that’s great and all, but how do I fit reading into the billion things that I want to do in a day?

I’ve tried a lot of things: placing a book by my nightstand, finding the right reading material, reading little bits at a time, and using a Kindle or e-reader.  Unfortunately, devices with colored screens often sadly win out.  And yes, it rhymes with eye scone.  I end up staring at my phone as I lay in bed while my book continues to collect dust.

Until now.

I recently discovered the latest life hack for fitting in reading time several times a week, and so far it is off to a good start.  What is it?

Keep your book in your car.  Arrive early to your appointments.  Read in the car.

Let’s start with the secondary benefit.  You get to arrive on-time to your appointments now!  You get to find parking, account for traffic, and eliminate the rush.

And the primary benefit? You get to spend the time between your arrival and your appointment knocking off pages in your book! What else are you going to do in your car? Yes, the smartphone is greatly tempting, but just knock it off, ok? You are already going to get on your phone before bed, so draw the line somewhere.

Obviously this won’t work for everyone, but give it a try.  Get the books out of the house and in your car, and see if it works for you.


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